6:30-8:30PM | EDCARC Meeting
El Dorado County Sheriff's Community Room, 200 Industrial Drive, Placerville, CA
The El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club invites all members of the public to join our monthly meeting to meet club members and learn more about amateur radio.
Topics include:
- Jay KE6GLA will demonstrate his new toy, a VGC VR-N7500 Dual Band Bluetooth radio, which lets you use Bluetooth from your phone/tablet to operate the radio.
- Tony W6QA will be discussing new online license testing requirements for on-line Volunteer Examiner testing sessions.
- Bob W1RH will give a brief talk on the WRTC international HF awards challenge which runs through the month of January.
- JR K6LBP will be sharing an update on the "Use it Or Lose It" 220MHz net and presenting the radio prize to last month's winner.
Thanks to Frank, Reese, Krystal, and the good folks at the El Dorado County Sheriff's office for providing our meeting location.